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“News Headlines: Ukraine Surrenders Bakhmut, Texas Dairy Farm Explosion, Bank Robbery, Heavy Rain in Austria, and India Demands Release of Crane Friend”

Language level B1:

Ukrainian troops surrender part of Bakhmut

Russia has been trying to capture the Ukrainian city of Bakhmut for months. Recently there have been reports that Russian troops have surrounded the city. Now the Ukrainian troops are withdrawing from a part of Bakhmut. This is reported by British military intelligence.

On the Russian side, mainly mercenaries from the private military company Wagner are fighting in Bachmut. They are now supported by Russian Army paratroopers. According to the British secret service, Wagner and paratroopers now work better together and are therefore successful.

18,000 cows died in an explosion at a Texas dairy farm

There has been a violent explosion at a dairy farm in Texas, USA. 18,000 cows died in the explosion. One employee could still be saved. He was taken to the hospital injured. The cause of the fire was probably the overheating of a system that cleans the air in the barn. The combustible gas methane may have ignited.

Methane is produced by digestion in cows. However, the exact cause of the fire is not yet known. The investigation is still ongoing. The accident happened on Monday.

Money transport company employee robbed

On Friday, 2 employees of a money transport company were attacked in a bank. The employees were exchanging money cassettes from ATMs when a robber threatened them with a gun. According to the police, there was a shot once and one of the employees was injured.

The robber fled on a scooter and was searched for on Friday. It was not immediately clear how much cash he stole.

Unusual amount of rain in April

From Wednesday morning to Friday afternoon, up to 80 liters of rain per square meter came together in Austria. This is the average amount of rain that falls throughout April. This is what the weather experts at Geosphere Austria have reported. But it rained only in the lowlands, it snowed in the mountains.

On Friday morning there was 40 centimeters of fresh snow at the Rudolfshütte in the Hohe Tauern in Salzburg. On the Villacher Alpe in Carinthia there was even 60 centimeters of fresh snow. There is that much snow there in April only every 20 years.

Explanation: Geosphere Austria

Since January 1st, the Central Institute for Meteorology and Geodynamics (ZAMG) and the Federal Geological Institute (GBA) have merged to form Geosphere Austria. Founded in 1851, ZAMG was responsible, among other things, for weather forecasting. Now Geosphere Austria does that.

Farmer in India demands release of crane friend

The friendship between a farmer and a crane moves many people in India. Almost 4,000 people online called for the bird’s release, which authorities have now placed in a zoo.

Farmer Mohammad Arif found the injured crane and nursed it back to health. Since then, the two have been inseparable. After a few weeks, Arif released the bird. But the animal stayed near Arif’s house. At times, he followed his rescuer’s every step and even ate out of his hand until authorities caught him.

Language level A2:

The Ukrainian army leaves part of Bakhmut

Bakhmut is a city

in eastern Ukraine.

Russia and Ukraine are fighting

for months violently around the city.

Russia is trying to conquer Bakhmut.

Now the Ukrainian soldiers are retreating

back from a part of Bachmut.

That’s what the British Secret Service said.

Russia is in Bakhmut

now on the rise.

That’s because the individual parts

of the Russian army now

work better together.

He has that too

British intelligence said.

In Texas, 18,000 cows died in an explosion

In a huge dairy farm

in Texas in the US it has

given a powerful explosion.

18,000 cows died in the process.

An employee was injured.

He was taken to the hospital.

You don’t know exactly

why the accident happened.

Possibly one

Plant overheats affecting the air

cleaning in the huge stable.

Methane is produced by cows

when they digest their food.

The cows fart out the methane.

Robbery in a bank in Vienna

There was a robbery in Vienna on Friday

given in a bank.

2 employees from one

Money transport company just changed

the cash cassettes in an ATM.

There are banknotes in money cassettes.

Then the two men were attacked.

The robber had a gun

and threatened her with it.

once shot,

said the police.

In the process, one became

injured by the 2 employees.

The robber was able to escape.

They are looking for him.

how much money he stole

you don’t know exactly yet.

In April it has rained unusually much so far

From Wednesday morning to Friday

it’s lunchtime in Austria

rained a lot.

There was so much rain in that short time

as usual in the whole month of April.

But it didn’t rain in the mountains

but snowed heavily.

On the Villacher Alpe in Carinthia

there was 60 centimeters of fresh snow.

So much snow in April

there is only every 20 years.

In India, many people are demanding the release of a crane

Cranes are big, beautiful birds.

In India, the fate of moved

a crane just a lot of people.

The crane was taken by the authorities

put in a cage in a zoo.

4,000 people have now demanded

that the crane will be released.

A farmer had the injured crane

found and nursed him back to health.

Since then, the two have been inseparable.

When the bird was healthy again

the farmer released him.

But the crane always stayed

near the farmer’s house.

Sometimes he followed the farmer

at every turn.

The crane even ate out of your hand

until the authorities caught him.

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