New start for MUBIKIN
New start for MUBIKIN (musical education for children and young people in Nuremberg): The Nuremberg program for musical education for children and young people helps them return to kindergarten and school from lockdown. We are very happy that it is now starting again with face-to-face teaching in kindergartens and schools, with children and parents, with educators and teachers. On the other hand, the question arises as to how quickly the children can come together again after the long distance and integrate into the lessons in the facility. Music as a connecting element across all barriers will play a helpful role here, the partners of the MUBIKIN program, in which 3,800 children in eight school districts are currently participating, agree.
Marcus König, Lord Mayor of Nuremberg, says: “The restart of MUBIKIN is a great stroke of luck, because making music together means pure joie de vivre. All the more so after the weeks and months without each other, which are particularly long for children, combined with fears and worries. I’m looking forward to hearing something from MUBIKIN again! ”On the part of the city, the mayor’s department, the second mayor’s department with a focus on culture, the department for school and sport and the department for Youth, family and social issues.
Helmut Gierse, Chairman of the Board of Sponsors and Chairman of the Personality Foundation, says: “MUBIKIN not only arouses enthusiasm for music. Our program also supports the development of language, cooperation and coordination skills and thus a healthy personality development. For a successful return to the facilities, the music education plays a particularly supportive role for everyone involved. “
Professor Rainer Kotzian, Professor of Elementary Music Education and Vice President of the University of Music, which is responsible for the further training of educators and teachers, says: “I wish good luck and I am overjoyed that slowly but surely, online presence is coming up again. ”
During the lockdown phase, many MUBIKIN music teachers at the music school had trained to become online professionals. Together with committed educators and teachers, they were able to bring the music to the children via online platforms. The children were very pleased, and in the opinion of those involved it was an attractive and necessary, but not a fully-fledged substitute. The chairman of the sponsors’ meeting, Helmut Gierse, thanks everyone involved for their special commitment in this difficult phase.
MUBIKIN has made continuous musical support its task since 2011, from the penultimate year of kindergarten to the end of primary school. Essential elements are the equipping of daycare centers and schools with musical instruments, the specific further training of the pedagogical specialists and teachers, and the lessons by music pedagogues from the Nuremberg Music School in tandem with the specialists and teachers. In the 2020/21 school year, around 3,800 children will take part in eight school districts, around 2,700 children have already completed the program in full. In the MUBIKIN program, the city of Nuremberg together with the Nuremberg Music School, the Personality Foundation, the Bouhon Foundation and the University of Music work together as equal partners. The implementation in the schools takes place in cooperation with the state education authority in the city of Nuremberg. maj