(The online newspaper): – If I had known what it was, I wouldn’t have agreed to it, but now it’s done and I don’t think anything more about it, really, says Vidar Villa (33) to Nettavisen on Monday.
Together with seven other celebrities, Villa from Lillestrøm recently participated in the Dagbladet and Se og Hør program “Nødt eller sannhet”. When the program was to be shown, however, several of the participants were dissatisfied with the concept, and when the production invited a press conference and premiere party, only one of the seven participants showed up.
Some of the participants are said to have felt deceived by the production company Monday Media, which produces the series for the media house Aller Media, and believed that the production company must have lied about the premises for the series.
According to Nettavisen, there are several participants who regret taking part.
However, the participants have been tight-lipped about it all, but now artist and songwriter Vidar Villa (33) tells about his experience with the programme.
Not what was foreshadowed
The 33-year-old can tell Nettavisen that there has been some dissatisfaction with the program in recent weeks.
– Yes, there is probably a bit of dissatisfaction. It wasn’t quite as it was imagined, there was a bit more under the belt buckle stuff than you were told it should be, he says.
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Furthermore, the 33-year-old does not hide the fact that he is one of those who felt cheated and thought the tasks they had to perform would be considerably less spicy and embarrassing.
– I feel that it was not quite what I was portrayed to be. But my God, I smoked out first, so I could just sit and watch myself enjoy myself, he says.
Would not accept
“Truth or necessity” involves the celebrities competing for NOK 50,000 in the well-known game of necessity or truth. Villa had an emergency where he had to drink an entire cup of lazy water, but refused to complete the challenge and thus became the first to exit the program.
The musician tells Nettavisen that the feedback has mostly only been positive, but nevertheless he does not hide the fact that he would not have participated if he had known what he was agreeing to.
– Had I known what it was, I wouldn’t have agreed to it, but now it’s done and I don’t think anything more about it, really, he says.
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However, Vidar Villa is not the only one who is disappointed with the result of the series. Mia Gundersen has previously said in a short comment to Nettavisen that she was surprised by how “roughly” the program was.
– What I consider to be difficult about the participation was that I did not receive any information in advance about how close it was going to be. The tasks were sometimes humiliating for several of the participants and it felt uncomfortable. If I had known in advance, I would have had a better basis for assessing whether this concept suited me, Gundersen wrote in an e-mail to Nettavisen when she did not appear at the premiere party.
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Was somewhat dissatisfied
When Nettavisen’s journalist was at the program’s press day at the restaurant Foodie in Oslo on 23 January, Tellef Dahll, program manager at Aller Media, which owns Dagbladet and Se og Hør, could confirm that several of the participants did not want to attend.
– It is true that the participants do not want to show up for the press meeting and the premiere party which is organized on Monday evening, said Dahll to Nettavisen.
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Dahll could also confirm that there has been some dissatisfaction among the participants after the recording.
– It is true that some people are dissatisfied, and I think it is boring that they perceive the situation that way. We have been concerned that the participants should be heard before, during and after the recording, said Dahll.