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News: Corona, Anger, Angela Merkel, Robert Koch Institute

The second wave of rage is rolling – and soon the second wave of infections?

In many places they have weekends demonstrated against the corona rules, the new rage. In Munich a good 3000, in Berlin more than 1000, protests also in Frankfurt or Cologne. In Stuttgart, where people once had leisure to fight a train station, around 5000 people even gathered.

Nothing against Demonstrations! But there are also a lot of spinners at the start.

Take Berlin, for example: conspiracy theorists of all shadows were found on Alexanderplatz and in front of the Reichstag, opponents of vaccination, right-wing and left-wing extremists, Putin admirers or C-celebrities such as the show cook Attila Hildmann (“I go for it in the fight for our freedom, then only with a weapon hand and head raised ”).

You are the Anger spreader in the pandemic.

Because normal citizens also participate, the extremes become connectable, hatred and anger seep into the middle. And how many people may have become infected at these demonstrations over the weekend and now carry the virus on?

The refugee crisis five years ago triggered the first wave of anger, made the AfD strong. The corona crisis now triggers the second wave, again capturing new, bourgeois classes.

At a demonstration in Gera, which also attracted tangled heads, ran with Thomas Kemmerich. Pictures show him without mouth-nose protection and without the necessary distance from others. He felt sorry for that later. Kemmerich, do you remember? The FDP short-term prime minister from Thuringia, who had the AfD heave him into office.

And then there is a speaker from Horst Seehofer’s internal department. In the past few days, he has been distributing a specially written 80-page paper with a ministerial letterhead, in which the virus is downplayed as a “global false alarm”.

If the prime ministers last Wednesday wanted to prevent this new rage with their extensive easing, then that failed. If things go really badly, we end up with both: Rage wave and infection wave.

Because the Virus infection rate maybe went up. The so-called by the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) Reproduction rate rose above the critical value of 1 over the weekend. Statistically, each infected person infects more than one other person. Important: These are uncertain figures, it is necessary to wait for the next few days, says the RKI.

Still, it is worrying. This weekend’s pictures show people close together. At demonstrations, while shopping, at leisure. We pretend that nothing has been. The important loosenings are symbolically evaluated and interpreted freely.

In the end, the vast majority of the sensible pays the bill. So those who followed the rules. These are millions of families, women pushed back into old roles, hundreds of thousands of entrepreneurs, and workers threatened in their livelihood. They are dependent on further easing and they will be the first victims of a new lockdown. It is still true what the Chancellor said in her TV address in mid-March: “Without exception, it all comes down to everyone and thus to all of us.”

Speaking of where is Angela Merkel?

The past week brought a change of direction in Corona crisis management, and that was not a good one. The prime ministers had stormed and pushed, the Chancellor admitted small, agreed on Wednesday to the uncoordinated easing. It was, as my colleague Dirk Kurbjuweit writes, “the end of chancellor democracy.” Since then, 16 country heads have determined corona policy.

Almost two months, beginning with that television address, Merkel stamped the fight against the virus. How long will she let the prime ministers do? How high can the reproduction rate R rise? This Monday, the Corona Cabinet Committee meets in the Chancellery. Merkel will probably also discuss possible consequences of the change of direction with her ministers.

Can it still be one for you Back to the leadership role give? At the moment, at least, she lacks the necessary means of power. Although the Chancellor’s Basic Law ascribes a strong position, Merkel’s position in the party and coalition is equally important. There is already a shortage, the Union has long been geared to its time, potential candidates for Chancellor under the Prime Ministers (Markus Söder, Armin Laschet) are in the foreground. And then there’s public opinion. At the beginning of the crisis, this was a support for Merkel, but now? According to an Infratest survey, only a quarter of Germans still have big worries about Corona. If it all comes down to everyone, that’s not a good value.

Loser of the day …

…are North American bees. Recently introduced Asian giant hornets (Vespa mandarinia) have attacked them: they behead honey bees and destroy entire bee colonies. In Asia, on the other hand, bees have already developed a method to stop the slaughter: they catch a giant hornet in their beehive, hundreds of them form a cocoon around the killing animal and roar it to death. The intruder dies from overheating or carbon dioxide poisoning. Conclusion, also here: You are powerless alone, but strong together.

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