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news coming about the future, it will happen soon

The promotion to Serie B of the Bari it imposes some reflections in the house De Laurentiis. Surrend Napoli or the Apulian club? Because, at the moment, there are no alternatives to the sale of one of the two titles: according to the latest rules, by 30 June 2024 timeshare in football will no longer exist.

It is therefore impossible to maintain control of both companies, but the De Laurentiis family has already announced legal actions for some time. To talk about it is today’s edition of The Gazzetta dello Sport:

“On April 27, the Federal Court will discuss the appeal prepared by the lawyer Mattia Grassani and signed by Aurelio and Luigi De Laurentiis” announces the newspaper.

ADL disputes the provision, the reasons

Even the same Luigi De Laurentiis has revealed a certain discontent with the latest news relating to the theme of timeshare.

In particular, the De Laurentiis family appeals to the fact that the Apulian club was taken in a context in which the famous derogation was in force, with the firm ban on the impossibility of owning two professional clubs. The rules, therefore, were different and it is not right – according to the vision of the rights concerned – to change them during the race.

Naples, De Laurentiis

“But the legal path – explains the same source – it could be long and not exhausted in the sports field: after the three levels of judgment within the system, there are the TAR, the Council of State and ultimately even the European Court of Justice in Luxembourg ”.

Plan B is also ready

Aurelio De Laurentiis could also opt for plan B. The objective, at least, is to avoid a Salernitana-Lotito bis, thus avoiding finding himself in a forced sale.

One solution could be to have more time, perhaps until 2026. The danger, however, would be represented by a possible immediate arrival of Bari in Serie A, which would further put the De Laurentiis at a crossroads.

For its part, Gravinawhich has a large majority in the Federal Council, is convinced that the rule is a balance point to restore a situation of normality.

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