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news, candidates, surveys and results

The essential

The next regional elections in New Aquitaine take place on June 20 and 27, 2021, they allow the inhabitants of the region to appoint the 183 regional councilors and to elect the president of the region for the next 6 years. Voters vote for joint lists specific to each department but carried by a common head of the list, candidate for the presidency of the region. The ballot will also be common to the entire New Aquitaine region.

From candidates, outgoing president Alain Rousset (PS) is leading the voting intentions in the first and second rounds and is aiming for a fifth term. The Nouvelle-Aquitaine region also put a member of the government in “competition” with Geneviève Darrieussecq, the Minister Delegate to the Minister of the Armed Forces, in charge of Memory and Veterans.

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June 4. Geneviève Darrieussecq focuses on the economy in her program

LREM candidate and a little behind in the polls according to the most recent published on June 3 which positions the Minister in charge of Veterans Affairs in 3rd position, Geneviève Darrieussecq explains for 20 minutes want to put forward a “Robotic Valley”. “The first intention that I would have at the head of this region is the implementation of the recovery plan (…) The world of tourism is in full doubt, because of recruitment difficulties, concerns about the capacity to honor its debt after having taken out loans The construction sector has full order books, but it is limited in human resources and has difficulties in the supply of materials… The region must be very attentive to all these sectors, and unblock an emergency fund of 20 or 30 million euros “explains the candidate.

“We need a strategy of sovereignty in certain key sectors” explains the minister, “I am thinking in particular of health and robotics, which is a major issue of tomorrow, but we are behind in France. New Aquitaine must to seize it, to become the French region of robotics. We already have companies, like Shark Robotics in La Rochelle, but the sector is not structured. We made Aerospace Valley with Occitanie, we must create a Robotic Valley “aspires the candidate.

June 3. A new poll gives Alain Rousset a winner for the regional ones

According to the latest survey carried out by the FIFG for La Tribune and Europe 1, published this Thursday, June 3, Alain Rousset is given the winner in the second round of the 2021 regional election in all the scenarios tested in triangular or quadrangular. In the first case, the PS Alain Rousset list allied to the EELV Nicolas Thierry is credited with 42% of the votes, that of Geneviève Darrieusseq allied to Nicolas Florian (LREM with LR) is credited with 30% of the votes, the RN d ‘Edwige Diaz is given third with 28%. In quadrangular with the maintenance of an LREM list, the outgoing president is once again given the winner of this election.

In the first round, on the other hand, Alain Rousset could well be preceded by the RN list. “Alain Rousset is far below his low water level in 2015 in a general context of degeneration not necessarily favorable to graduates. He is, for example, in decline among retirees where he had been very good in 2015. In the end, he had five years are three points ahead of its competitor on the right and we see that in 2021 his lead over the RN is less than the margin of error, so there is real uncertainty about the identity of the candidate who will come first in the first round “, analyzes Frédéric Dabi for La Tribune.

June 2. “Those who vote for us will be points of support for future struggles for workers”

Guillaume Perchet, the head of the Lutte Ouvrière list in New Aquitaine for the regional elections, knows that “they will not be elected”. Credited with only 1% of voting intentions, the objective is not there for the candidate who hopes to open a dialogue for the future as he said on France Bleu. “Our objective is not simply the ballot box. The elections are a way of discussing, it allows us to count ourselves and to assert ourselves. Those who vote for us will be points of support for future struggles for the workers. We can say that we will not let ourselves be taken in by voting Lutte Ouvrière. “

In his interview, the candidate took the opportunity to denounce the benefits that touched the aeronautics sector and wishes to highlight those which are useful to society. “While there have been thousands and thousands of layoffs in the region. It’s unbearable. You have to take the money accumulated by shareholders to distribute the work among everyone, so that everyone has a job. C is the only way out. With the Covid crisis, we saw who was useful to society. They are those below, the workers, the people in hospitals, in stores, in factories, those who work the land, who keep society going. We say that it is they who are useful to society. They are the ones who must run it. ”

June 1st. Nicolas Florian proposes to equip high schools with video protection

Former mayor of Bordeaux, Nicolas Florian presented his detailed plan on security in a long interview for 20 minutes. “On high schools, I suggest that we equip all our establishments with video protection and transport, that we install cameras in all TER trains, I will also work with the SNCF to help equip stations. We will finance a large center to view the images from these cameras, to which the State will have access. This is what I did when I was mayor of Bordeaux with the urban video protection center. connect live while the law provides that the police must request permission to view images of communities. There, I will give them direct access. “

Asked why high schools, the LR candidate for regional also explains: “Often, it revolves around drug trafficking and the surroundings of some high schools are risk areas for young people. With these cameras, we want to secure, do prevention and allow the police to investigate. “

May 31st. Free transport in the heart of the countryside

As the regional elections approach, Sud Ouest takes stock of the candidates’ position on whether or not transport is free. For Alain Rousset, “we are already almost free. During this health crisis, we introduced it for students for their journeys between their home and their place of study. And we will see what we can do at the back to school. ” For Geneviève Darrieussecq, free admission is not desired. “I am not in favor of free, because nothing is ever free. The development of public transport is a cost and it is often much higher than what the payment of users can bring. already has low prices and attractive subscription options. ” Same story for the candidate RN Edwige Diaz who considers that free is “demagogic”. Finally Nicolas Florian (LR) is divided on the subject evoking “exemptions in particular for young people and students, on home-high school-university journeys”.

According to the latest Ifop poll for La Tribune and Europe 1 published on June 4, Alain Rousset is given the winner.

For the second round, the outgoing president would be leading in a quadrangular. Here are the voting intentions for the second round:

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