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News Cameroon :: Tribalist remarks on Vision 4: Here is the complaint of Pr Shanda Tomne against Pr Claude Abe :: Cameroon news

Invited to the program entitled “Club d’élites” on Vision 4, on Sunday April 16, 2023, Professor Claude Abé, giving his point of view on the case of the expropriation of Dikolo land in Douala, took advantage of it to suggest to the Cameroonian State to make a land reform so that every Cameroonian returns home.

An outing that created controversy in public opinion. These controversial media outings by Professor Claude Abé have become recurrent. Professor Shanda Tonme, universal mediator seized the general delegate of national security, on April 19, 2023 in Yaoundé, the political capital of Cameroon, for Claude Abé to answer for his media outings before the Cameroonian justice.

Below is Professor Shanda Tonme’s full complaint

“Complaint Against Mr. Claude Abe, teacher at the Catholic University of Central Africa for remarks constituting the endangerment of the security of persons and property. Attack on national unity and integration. Incitement to war civil society to the destruction of the foundations of the State and the Republic.ATTACK AGAINST THE CONSTITUTION

Mr. Delegate General

As a committed patriot and deeply attached to the republican values ​​so dear to the Head of State, President of the Republic, Supreme Head of the Armed Forces, Head of Diplomacy and President of the Superior Council of the Judiciary, I consider it an urgent duty to inform your intelligence on conduct in total opposition to the moral and ethical requirements of a peaceful, united and peaceful society, of Mr. Claude Abé, teacher at the Catholic University of Central Africa.

Indeed, speaking on Sunday April 16, 2023 as a panelist for the Sunday program “Club d’élites” on the VISION 4 television channel, the teacher thought he was brutally indexing a community that he covered in a thousand ways, before advocating a flagrant violation of the constitution by using sectarian, divisive, divisionist, terrorist and secessionist discourse. The recorded tape can be obtained on your request from the persons in charge of this media.

Also, I have the honor to lodge a complaint against Mr. Claude Abé for all the reasons listed in the stamp, with the certainty that no one can engage in such a flagrant and open seditious enterprise, without being logically invited by your services, for investigations of the circumstance. To do nothing would be likened to a discharge given to all those who, like him, voluntarily fan the flames of the eventual destruction of our country. The person concerned did not hesitate to drive the point home, by maintaining his remarks, in an act of defiance that you would not be able to tolerate. He must be hunted down and punished in the same way as the Ambazonians and their supporters who hold exactly the same speech. Those who in Yaoundé develop slogans like go home, must suffer the same fate as those who in Bamenda, shoot our brave soldiers in the back wearing the same slogans. The state cannot operate on double standards. Claude Abe must account.

In the meantime, please accept, Mr. Delegate General, the assurance of my high consideration, otherwise making myself available to respond promptly to any summons to contribute to the success of your investigations./.”

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