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News Cameroon :: Death of Siamese babies on the way to Yaoundé

Dr. Manaouda Malachie expressed his condolences to the family of Blandine Yandere20, whose children were connected at chest level and died on the way to Yaoundé.

It was at the Batouri District Hospital after more than 70 km of road that the irreparable happened on Monday. The Siamese born in Ketté last weekend left the department of Kadey, Eastern region, in a medical ambulance dispatched from Bertoua on the orders of the health Minister public, for adequate care at the Gyneco-Obstetrics and Pediatrics Hospital of Yaoundé.

But things turned sour on the way to Yaoundé. Contacted yesterday by telephone, the director of the Batouri district hospital, Dr. Alphonse L’avenir Azegue Bihina reports: “The state of the road did not militate in their favour. In this ambulance, these children had at their disposal a doctor and a midwife. But not far from Batouri, they started having breathing problems. That’s why they stopped. »

Already connected at the level of the chest, the children had only one navel, two sexes (female and male), four arms and two legs only. According to our interlocutor, the chances of survival were not great. “The vital prognosis was not favorable because they had several organs in common, such as the heart. A single heartbeat was noticeable. For the Minsanté, it was necessary to save at least one. This is why the artillery was deployed to take care of them,” underlines Dr. Alphonse L’avenir Azegue Bihina.

Once in Batouri, the director, all the doctors in place and the reinforcements from Bertoua fought to keep them alive. “The management consisted of counteracting the respiratory distress. We put them on oxygen and warmed them up on a radiant table. Venous lines were placed. Just as drugs to ensure lung maturation were administered. We even went through a resuscitation session of almost 30 minutes, ”explains our source.

Despite all this deployment, the children died to the great dismay of the medical profession and the parents. They were buried yesterday morning in Ketté. The mother is still at the Ketté District Hospital where she continues to receive free care, following the instructions of the health Minister public. And in a tweet yesterday morning, Dr. Manaouda Malachie expressed to parents and the whole family siamese babies born in Ketté, “his proximity and the condolences of the family of health so sad, after a national and international mobilization for their adequate and free care. »

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