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News Cameroon :: Commitment: Decriminalization, the basis of the fight for a free press :: Cameroon news

After having enacted a new code of good conduct for Cameroonian journalists, the Media Network for the Promotion of Freedom of Expression is committed to successfully advocating for the decriminalization of press offenses in Cameroon.

The International Press Freedom Day held on May 03, 2023 was an opportunity for the Media Network for the Promotion of Freedom of Expression (Rmplp), formed on June 24, 2022 in Douala, to officially launch its activities. in Douala. Michel Ferdinand, Editor-in-chief in charge of the daily magazines Mutations and president of this new organization intends to advocate for the decriminalization of press offenses in Cameroon.

Le Messager, Mutations, Le Jour, La Nouvelle Expression, Radio and Equinoxe Television, Canal 2 International, Stv, La Voix du Centre, Ouest-Echos, Radio Batcham, Radio Balafon and many other flagship titles of the Cameroonian press are part of bodies that have adhered to this approach.

Michel Ferdinand thinks that advocacy is an effective tool that can bear fruit. And lead to the abolition or reform of draconian laws in terms of press activities in Cameroon. These are in particular article 305 of the penal code which provides: “Defamation: is punished by imprisonment from 6 days to six months and a fine of 5,000 to 2,000,000 FCFA or one of these two penalties only, anyone who, by one of the means provided for in article 152, undermines the honor or consideration of a person…”Law N°2010-12 of December 12, 2010 relating to cybersecurity and cybercrime in Cameroon and Law No. 2014-28 of December 23, 2014 on the repression of acts of terrorism are also used by judges to convict journalists.

This new association mainly intends to work for the decriminalization of press offenses in Cameroon. And this commitment, which involves promoting good professional practices among journalists and setting up a press council, a matter of implementing a self-regulation mechanism. This means that, after the adoption of the statutes, the members of this constitutive general assembly worked for the development and adoption of a code of good conduct, spread over nearly 20 principles in terms of duties and rights and which will henceforth serve as a basis for journalists referring to the values ​​advocated by the media network for the promotion of press freedom.

The journalist is bound to respect the truth

Having worked on the draft of the adopted text, Michel Ferdinand believes that it was inspired by the Munich Charter on the duties and rights of journalists, the code of ethics of the Union of Journalists of Cameroon (Ujc) and the code code of ethics for Cameroonian journalists signed in September 1992 by the Prime Minister. Speaking of the rights of journalists, this new code maintains the inviolability of the principle of access to information: “Access to information is free and the journalist must freely investigate any fact likely to interest the public. “Which implies that “He must be remunerated with dignity”. Because this code prescribes among its duties the following: “journalists are required to respect the truth and must not, under any circumstances, exercise their profession in conditions that may compromise their honor, intellectual probity and impartiality.”

This orientation is in line with respect for article 9 of the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights, which enshrines the right to information. “Everyone has the right to information. 2. Everyone has the right to express and disseminate their opinions within the framework of laws and regulations. »

Regional director of the Mutations desk in Douala, Michel Ferdinand is committed to working for the respect of this article (9) of the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights. He wants journalists found guilty of misconduct in the performance of their duties not to be imprisoned. But this does not express, in any way, a promotion of the impunity of journalists. To give tone to this commitment, he wants to give value to this line on his business card. Because he was elected, at the end of the Constituent Assembly of the Media Network for the Promotion of Freedom of Expression, President. He is assisted by Boudith Adam, representative of the English-language newspaper The Post.

Janvier Njikam, editor of the newspaper Frontières d’Afriques, has been appointed secretary general of this new organization. The executive secretary is provided by Etienne Tassé, coordinator of Journalist in Africa for Development (Jade) and initiator of this new association within the framework of the Free Press project for the defense of human rights, with the support of the European Union.

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