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News Cameroon :: Assassination of Martinez Zogo: The 02 newly imprisoned police officers had geolocated Martinez Z :: Cameroon news

Two agents of the General Directorate of External Research (DGRE), Cameroonian intelligence and counterintelligence service, were placed in preventive detention last week, at the main prison of Kondengui in Yaoundé, by the new investigating judge. of the military tribunal of the political capital of Cameroon, Lieutenant-Colonel SIKATI KAMWO Florent.

According to our information, they are the main police commissioner SAIWANG, and the police officer HEUDJI. Our sources that the two men work in the Telecommunications and Transmissions branch of the DGRE, and had helped the commando of killers led by Lieutenant-Colonel Justin DANWE, to geolocate the journalist Martinez ZOGO, and to follow his shadow for several days of shadowing . Sources say the two elements acted under the
under the direct orders of Lieutenant-Colonel Justin DANWE, Chief of Operations of the DGRE, and this, specify sources, without the boss of the DGRE, the divisional commissioner Maxime EKO EKO, imprisoned with Jean Pierre Amougou Belinga in prison, not be informed. The two agents of Cameroon’s most important intelligence service, we learn, had helped the commando of killers of Lieutenant-Colonel Justin DANWE, by giving them the geolocation coordinates of journalist Martinez ZOGO, chain manager of the urban radio station Amplitude FM. This had then facilitated his kidnapping, then his assassination in appalling conditions.

The two elements, according to our sources, had however been released by the government commissioner of the Yaoundé military court, at the end of the preliminary investigations carried out by the gendarmerie and the police. Last week, Camer.be learned that the two agency police officers were interviewed by Lieutenant-Colonel SIKATI KAMWO Florent, and charged. Hence their preventive detention in the main prison of Kondengui in Yaoundé. More seriously, we learn that even the head of the Telecommunications department of the DGRE was unaware of the parallel activities of his two men.

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