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News, Bergen | Ingvild received a letter written in French. When she translated it, she was shocked.

Ingvild received a letter written in French. When she translated it, she was shocked.

The letter was from the French embassy and was written in French.

– I had German as an elective at school, and understood little of the content. After getting help to translate what was written there, I was completely shocked, she says.

The letter stated that she had been knighted and awarded the so-called “ordre du mérite agricole”.

– Unbelievably handsome

– It’s incredibly cool, especially for an asphalt girl like me who grew up in the middle of Bergen city centre.

Tennfjord currently lives in Oslo, where she works as a wine columnist. The “Wine School” is published in A-magasinet, Bergens Tidende, Fædrelandsvennen, Stavanger Aftenblad and Adressa.

– I manage to explain wine in a way that many people understand, she says herself.

She knows nothing about the background to her receiving the honorary title, but knows that it is awarded to people who have distinguished themselves in particular for their work with agricultural products.

– There are five Norwegians who have received it before me. The most famous of them is pastry chef Pascal, she says.

The reception itself will take place at the French embassy in Oslo on 9 May.

– It will be a great honor. At least I know that I have to go out and buy myself a new dress, says the 45-year-old.

Feeling honored

– What does it mean to you to be able to call yourself a knight?

– First of all, I feel very honoured. It is very good to get an external confirmation of the work I do. It means that I have influence, also outside Norway’s borders, she says.

– Are you going to use the title “knight Tennfjord”?

– Ha ha. I have to try to sneak it effortlessly into as many places as possible, she says, and adds:

– My daughter has suggested that I buy a horse, but that probably won’t happen.

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