Home » today » Entertainment » Newlywed Bride Attacked by Lion in Arizona Zoo as Groom Flees: Shocking Incident

Newlywed Bride Attacked by Lion in Arizona Zoo as Groom Flees: Shocking Incident

In a strange and unexpected incident, an angry lion attacked a bride in front of her groom in one of the zoos, but the surprise was when the groom fled and left the bride to have the lion tear her body apart, according to what was reported by American media.

In the details of the incident, the bride went with her groom to spend some time at the Arizona Zoo, in the United States, but the bride entered a forbidden area to take a selfie, and was violently attacked by an angry lion.

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Media outlets, quoting eyewitnesses, said that the bride passed one of the barriers and was taking a selfie with her husband in front of the cage, when the lion suddenly attacked her and suffered lacerations in various parts of her body, as a result of which she was taken to the hospital.

The media reported that the girl had only been married for one day, and she went out with her husband for a walk, but the lion spoiled that, and instead of returning to the marital nest, she went to the hospital room.

Eyewitnesses reported that the girl’s husband fled immediately after the lion attacked his wife, and kept looking at her from afar as she screamed and called for help, before the security personnel present in the garden intervened.

Regarding the fate of the attacking lion, those in charge of the park said that it would not be killed, because the girl was at fault, as she crossed a checkpoint and entered a forbidden area.

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