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“Newly Unsealed Court Filings Reveal Details of Apple’s Acquisition Talks with Microsoft for Bing”

Newly Unsealed Court Filings Reveal Details of Apple’s Acquisition Talks with Microsoft for Bing

In a surprising turn of events, newly unsealed court filings have shed light on the acquisition talks that took place between tech giants Apple and Microsoft regarding the search engine Bing. The documents, which were made public as part of the US Justice Department’s lawsuit against Google, provide valuable insights into the dynamics of the search industry and the competition that exists within it.

According to CNBC, the court filings were released on Friday and have become a crucial piece of evidence in Google’s defense against allegations of having a monopoly in the web search industry. Google argues that its relationship with Microsoft and Apple, including the acquisition talks, proves that there is indeed competition in the search industry.

The filings reveal that Microsoft approached Apple on multiple occasions, spanning over a decade, with the proposal of making Bing the default search engine in Safari. The years in which these discussions took place include 2009, 2013, 2015, 2016, 2018, and as recently as 2020. However, Apple consistently declined the offer, citing concerns about search quality as the primary reason for their decision.

Google’s filings emphasize that Apple thoroughly evaluated the relative quality of Bing versus Google and consistently concluded that Google was the superior choice for its Safari users. This demonstrates that Apple actively considered competition in the search industry and made informed decisions based on user experience.

Furthermore, the court documents reveal that Microsoft made efforts to improve Bing’s search quality and even approached Apple in 2018 with the intention of either selling Bing to the company or establishing a joint venture related to Bing. However, Apple’s services boss, Eddy Cue, expressed skepticism about Microsoft’s search quality and investment compared to Google. Cue stated that Microsoft’s search quality and investment were not significant and that their advertising organization and monetization strategies were subpar.

It is worth noting that Google and Apple have a longstanding partnership, with Google paying billions of dollars to be the default search engine on Apple’s platforms. This lucrative deal has been a key factor in Apple’s decision not to pursue the acquisition of Bing beyond exploratory talks.

The revelations from these court filings provide a unique glimpse into the behind-the-scenes negotiations and decision-making processes of tech giants. They highlight the importance of search quality and user experience in shaping the landscape of the search industry. While Google’s defense relies on showcasing competition through Microsoft’s attempts to partner with Apple, it remains to be seen how this evidence will impact the ongoing legal battle between Google and the US Justice Department.

In conclusion, the unsealed court filings have brought to light the details of Apple’s acquisition talks with Microsoft for Bing. The documents reveal Apple’s consistent preference for Google as the default search engine in Safari due to its superior search quality. The filings also shed light on Microsoft’s efforts to improve Bing and its desire to collaborate with Apple. Ultimately, these revelations provide valuable insights into the competitive dynamics of the search industry and its major players.


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