Home » today » World » New Zealand uses music Barry Manilow and Macarena against freedom convoy | Abroad

New Zealand uses music Barry Manilow and Macarena against freedom convoy | Abroad

Also stood the Macarena on repeatannouncements were made about corona vaccinations via a loudspeaker and sprinklers were turned on, writes The Guardian. It can also be heard in video images that You’re Beautiful by James Blunt reverberates through the speakers. Parliament Speaker Trevor Mallard said he had approved the approach and had made a sound system available.

“Nobody who is here is here legally,” Mallard said about the approach against the protesters of the so-called ‘Freedom Convoy’. “And if they get wet from the bottom as well as the top, they’ll probably feel a little less comfortable and go home sooner.”

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It is not clear whether protesters have left because of the music and sprinklers. However, a number of them went against the approach with their own stereos, including the song We’re Not Gonna Take It by the Twisted Singers.

Several peaceful protests have taken place at New Zealand’s parliament building, but a high turnout like this is rare. The demonstrators protested, among other things, against the New Zealand vaccination obligation for specific professions. This includes teachers, healthcare personnel and military personnel.

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