Home » today » News » New Zealand gave $300 thousand to kill a single small predator – Agro Plovdiv – 2024-04-11 11:06:49

New Zealand gave $300 thousand to kill a single small predator – Agro Plovdiv – 2024-04-11 11:06:49

The Taxpayers’ Union indignantly asked conservationists: Did you use rockets the hell?

In the last 25 years New Zealand provided a small native island to shelter several endangered species, including the world’s only flightless a parrot and a lizard found nowhere else on Earth.

The predator caught on camera looks like a kitten

In August 2022, conservationists on the island became alarmed. They identified a male weasel-like mammal native to Eurasia and North America that hunted a variety of animals and birds. They knew they had to act to save the Kakapo’s delicate ecosystem, even if it cost a fortune, CNN reports.

The Department of Conservation (DOC) began recruiting experts in trapping, dogs, trail cameras, helicopters and boats. It took eight months to catch and kill the little one predator.

“This is a huge victory, but we can’t take our foot off the pedal now,” DOC incident controller Rebecca Thiel said in a news release hailing the capture of the foreman last April.

The helpless flightless Kakapo parrot

Last month, an annual review released by the New Zealand Parliament’s Environment Select Committee revealed the cost of the mission to capture the predator: nearly half a million New Zealand dollars (about US$300,000).

The amount raised eyebrows on social media, with one X user saying: “I’m all for protecting endangered animals, but damn…”.

The Taxpayers’ Union of New Zealand asked: “What did they use to kill him – rockets?”

But officials defended the price.

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