Home » today » News » New Yorkers Support Federally Owned Spaces as Shelters and Work Authorization Regardless of Immigration Status: Sienna College Survey

New Yorkers Support Federally Owned Spaces as Shelters and Work Authorization Regardless of Immigration Status: Sienna College Survey

56% of New Yorkers support the use of federally owned spaces as shelters and 59% support work authorization regardless of immigration status, according to a Sienna College survey.

The survey addressed topics related to the arrival of undocumented immigrants to New York City and the impact they cause on different areas of New York society.

60% of those surveyed also said they supported a comprehensive immigration reform bill.

The survey was conducted by random telephone calls with 800 people.

Madeline Biaggi is a resident of the city and says she agrees with the survey data.

“They should have opportunities like anyone else should, because they are human beings like everyone else,” Biaggi said.

Another interesting fact in the survey reveals that a third of New Yorkers believe that current immigrants are dangerous, however, the majority disagree with this assumption.

We consulted Ender García on this topic, who recently arrived in the city.

“I recognize that there are many bad people like everywhere else but there are more good people than bad, we all pay for one,” said García.

According to Sienna College Research Institute Director Don Levy, 84% of New Yorkers agree that most current immigrants just want to build a better life for themselves and their families.

This is the case of an immigrant interviewed who said that he only wants to take care of himself.

-Do you think that with a work permit in hand you would leave the shelter quickly?

“Well, of course, I get a job in a place and more than one gets, even if it’s just to survive, to rent a room,” González said.

To date, New York City has opened more than 200 emergency shelters for more than 110,000 immigrants.


We spoke with Isaac Ruiz, who has been in the United States for more than 20 years. Ruiz is an electrician and is against the fact that only some people are given immigration benefits.

“I think it would be fair that if a work permit is granted to the newly arrived people, it would also be fair to the people who have been contributing with taxes and with many things to the country,” said Ruiz.

And as we could see, regardless of the survey numbers, on the street with the population the opinions are mixed.

2023-09-12 18:46:00
#Yorkers #support #giving #work #permits #asylum #seekers

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