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New Yorkers Can Enjoy a Tuesday Afternoon with Clear Skies and Stable Conditions | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

mmuchasThank you.excellent ks recommendationsmoment t talk about the weather, andmy dear rafa, it feelsheat, what the stormsdo they reach the tri-state area?heat, humidity, thiscombination, we have said thelast week especially, whatcould lead to somestorms in our area,we anticipated when we woke up,if you were in tune from 5:00 to07:00 in the morning, we havestable conditions, here itlet’s put it back todownload our appmobile, put your cell phone in modephotography, and here they will bethe storms that would be arrivedthat could arrive, but they arrivefor tonight, temperatureshigh, that humidity with thosetemperatures that are above95 °, plus lots of suncould detonate and that possibilitynot from storms. these stormswould be in the area ofgreat lakes, they aremoving, from the south they comepushing, and the dawn oftomorrow starts unstable andwe will see the afternoon of thisWednesday with the possibility oftomorrow, and in the afternoon moreunstable after 2:00, andwill be the panorama for thisnavel of the week, not merule out that possibility ofrains so you don’t tell me,Rafael !, it did not rain, it did not detonate thosepossible storms, tomorrow yesthere will be, we have 85th, Thursday andstable Friday, Friday with82nd, Saturday would be the moststable of both the end ofweek, because Sundaywe would have the possibility of

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