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New York would register a shortage of essential workers due to noncompliance with the vaccination mandate | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

scratches you and finallyI stole the bike valued atvideo here as a photo of thesuspicious. if you recognize it,you can report it in a wayanonymous.even though this Fridaythe deadline of the city expired,thousands defied the mandate toget vaccinated against covid19 andI expected that next weekthere may be a shortage. so whatfelip tells us how helabor outlook betweencity ​​and some of itsunions.>> also from tomorrowmonday thousands of workersnot new york citythey received their salary for nothave been vaccinated and is that theFriday at 5:00 in the afternoonenteredthe mandate for thecity ​​employees. thisincludes members of thepolice departments andalso of the firemen. be athe data, more than 90% isfully vaccinated or at leastless have received a dose ofthe vaccine againstcoronavirus. just the dayFriday that was the last dayable to be vaccinated, wingsout of 2300 workers havereceived a dose of the vaccineand in this way they havesecured your job.we were able to talk with himnew city counciloryork and we have your opinion.let’s listen.>> this is certainly necessarypandemic still continues. there arealmost 1000 cases dailywe still have to vaccinateall employees forprotect themselves, theirfamilies and colleagues and the publicwho are they working with?to face to be firefighters andcops. by the way, whenfew hours untilelections on Tuesday,Republican candidate formayor is visiting thispolice station on the street35 manhattan to supportthe officers that fromtomorrow they will not be able to present themselves to thejob. according to the data of themayor we are talking aboutthat from tomorrow nothey can report to work.for the union ofworkers it is avery easy equation.less officers equals wingscrime. however, they assurewhat are they prepared forany kind of change in thepersonal.this is all the information.

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