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New York workers protested against coronavirus vaccination mandate | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

hope: thousands ofworkers left todayexpress your disagreement with himMayor’s mandate to compelget the vaccine againstcovid to continue working.berenice garner have theprotesters reactions.Berenice: this bunch of peoplethat did not seem to determine gasmore than half an hour frombrooklyn bridge to themayor of new york.thousands of workersmunicipal demanded that it stopthe vaccine mandatecovid to be able to work.one personifying jesus christ>> that you have the freedom todecide, not a governmentdeciding for us.berenice: this teacher says thatin addition to supporting theircolleagues, he has done it forother>> my father received his secondinjection in Puerto Rico andbefore the month he died.berenice: omar, teacher offifth grade is not workingsays it’s unfair becausewhen nobody wanted to work,he was there.>> I worked with othersteachers without vaccines,we work with children, butthis year everything changed. usthey pulled out of class without pay.berenice: the candidate forthe mayor argued that they hadthe courage to work forthe pandemic, which nowface losing your jobleaving thousands of New Yorkerswithout basic services andemergency.Berenice: What will you postponenext week without workers.‘speak in English +said it was a crisisbecause there are not enoughworkers, who nowwant to fire.>> I am not going to wearvaccine.Berenice: these teachers saythat there is nothing thatconvince yourself to get the vaccine.They are offering you $ 500.>> í, I’m not going to do anything withthat, nor my income.Berenice; the protesters areThey were expressing without knowing whatis going to happen next Friday,when at 5:00 in the afternoonthe mayor’s deadline forshow that they have one of thetwo vaccines was to be able to continue

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