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New York won a battle, but not the war

“When Izzy Yanay arrived in New York in the late 1970s, he discovered, to his surprise, that it was impossible to find foie gras there, Write the New York Times. In his eyes, only one possible explanation: it must have been prohibited.”

In truth, it was not a legal question at the time. Nor a lack of interest in French cuisine. This was more due to a lack of knowledge of the inhabitants for this specialty listed in the cultural and gastronomic heritage of the country. The Israeli entrepreneur then decided to embark on a long journey towards the marketing of foie gras in the United States. He even became the very first producer in the country.

But his first intuition was not entirely wrong: as the daily newspaper reminds us,New York voted in 2019 ban on sale [et de la détention] foie gras [à partir de 2022]on the grounds that the method of preparation – the force-feeding of the ducks – would be malt

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