time in 1907.announcer: these images werepresented by gorayeb, thetown lawyers.adriana: our city isbeautiful but i think its betterfor you to tell us about thiscold front.we must then be readywith umbrella for the rain?jeús: with an umbrella becausethis cold front is going to bring usrain and a littlecold temperatures, but notas much as we haveexperienced in the last 24hours.23 for manhattan, 24 fornewark, 12 for monticello.that’s how it’s going to feel during thecourse of the afternoon, theTuesday night and early morning.at 2:00 in the morning, 14°.waking up at 6:00 a.m.tomorrow it will feel like 11°.dress up very well beforeleave your house, becausetemperatures are a bita high pressure is maintainedin this area.brings us more stable weather andlittle cloud coverwill move towardsis giving way to a lowpressure, along with a frontI trust that it will causeinstability in our area.strong winds exceeding35 miles to 40 and 5 miles tohour and showers of water.at 6:00 p.m.Thursday we will see that the frontlocated to the west in theothers, coming to our area.it means that the cloudiness willincrease.on Friday at 7:40 5:00the morning we have that systemin our area with strongrains.there is a risk of stormisolated electrical.inside.we are going to have rain,because the temperatures willbe above 32°.19 ° at dawn, at 8:00the morning.30° for 3:00 in the afternoon.temperatures will notexceed 32° by tomorrow.for wednesday, 46° startsto slightly increase thecloudy as the sun approachescold front.for Thursday it will be cloudy,but 61 temperature, it willraise the air a little more.after passing the cold front,temperature of 59 and a friday