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New York welcomes Ivanka Trump with “not wanted” posters

“Dead inside”

“Accent: fake classy; Hair: blond; Eyes: dead inside; Married to the Slenderman? (Note: a thin, faceless creature from net culture): Yes. “: Ivanka can read these not exactly intoxicating attributes about herself, she sees the affixed poster.

There aren’t any angry New Yorkers behind it, of course, but two comedians who have often tackled the Trump clan. Jason Selvig and Davram Stiefler aka “The Good Liars” do not act without being inspired. In parts of the New York upper class, there has been displeasure with Ivanka and her husband for a long time, sometimes even publicly. “I see no indication that you will be welcome here,” said journalist Andrea Bernstein recently to the British Guardian.

Jason Selvig and Davram Stiefler caused a sensation a few days ago – they had anticipated the Trump campaign team and had the domain DonaldJTrump2024.com reserved. Of course not to advertise – you make fun of the “loser” Donald.

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