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New York Weather Forecast: Warm Conditions and Clear Skies for Wednesday Afternoon | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

patricia: if you are one ofthose affected should take thenow we go with rafael thatis going to tell us what we canwait during the day andweather.rafael: 5:15 am, there lucethis wednesday navel ofspectacular weeklooking to be with us thatin fact it is fullythroughout the day,temperatures in the 63 bybelow the temperatures thatwe had yesterday.65 in newark, 50 just themonticello where the changehas been felt.the difference hasbeen between 9, below5 in manhattan,we will be climbing to 7375by 11:00 am we will bein the 80sas maximum. thermal sensationwhat is therereaching the 87 what is therewarm and sunny and alsowe will have a dry outlook andultraviolet, sunscreenimportant because there is noclouds basically in whatabsolute in the next 4872hours. we have two íaszero rain major.several times during theprognosis. tomorrow will be onereplica today,a little hot and humid, andalmost 90 and the possibility of

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