Home » today » News » New York weather forecast for Tuesday afternoon is for stable and sunny conditions | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

New York weather forecast for Tuesday afternoon is for stable and sunny conditions | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

elia: like every 15 minutespunctual we make connection withour dear rafael so thattell us what to expect intraffic time issue.rafa: stable conditions fortoday although there is mist part ofour area and we will havewettest conditions andwe will have more humidityhigh when we reach thewe noticed in other areaswhich is north of newjersey where is not themistnecessarily accepting andtemperatures in the 40s in boththe Southfrom new jersey below30 in part of the northwest thatit’s cool with winds fromthe north with temperaturesthey feel lower in the partNorthand then climbing to over 60this afternoon with nextabove the normal range. a lot ofsun and rougher than yesterday andcloudiness and tomorrow I would go withlargely scattered rainof our territory andthey went on and on after9:00 am possiblyalthough it will stay or city to

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