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New York weather forecast for Monday morning is mostly cloudy skies | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

our ace sense esame to thatfather to his family. in othersnews a little wingsencouraging,let’s talk about the weatherand the traffic. rafa,today you are a little humid, yesterdaywe had that storm.rafa: good morning, elian gíaeverybody. above all for ourcondolences to that father.we imaginethe pain that yourfamily.it’s difficult after newshow are yousay we will have a daymostly stable thoughcloudy and conditionswet this morning fortearthis work week. havemuch of the cloudiness and greatpart of the triestatal area.this is the scenario forstart this journey.the rest of the day we will startbutespecially in the afternoon. thetomorrow a little cloudy we canwatcha few stormselectrical, not necessarilytoday thoughthere are models that show usrains this morning, thatzona de new jersey,this is another model where we seescattered tiny showers thatthey want to reach our area,although these given but i knowshowon our maps we haveonscreen.but we will have 90today Tomorrow.drops drastically tothis Wednesday and the presence ofelectrical storms in thefrom Thursday.Friday the very hot indexjust like the weekendbetween friday

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