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New York Weather Forecast: A Friday morning with mostly sunny and clear skies | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

minutes, it’s time toknow the weather and the traffic.what we spent with you, lily.Lily: Thank you very much, Elianand good morning to all insynonymous with “upon awakening.”rafael esáin his free way, there I amFridaygreat on the way by farsun in the early hours of the day.soonmidday we have a littlemore cloudiness andtemperatures will staybetween 78 to 79 quiás 80,much less thanwe must wait for a datelike today.we are with fresh ías untilmorning.great friday withdry conditions at this time andtooaround the company 7:00tomorrow, if you are leavingcasita, 6467 temperature. at ninewe will be enjoyingtemperaturesin the 70.72 to 73, the afternoonwe could have a little more thancloudinessmaking the maximum presencemarking the mercury is 80 to81 . there thatToday there is no heat and neitherhumidity. a good daynice and with little breeze. a daythat you will enjoy a lot.for tomorrow saturday we have somethingcloudiness. on Sundaywe have probabilityfrom some rain thoughremember that although it iscloudy, you have tohave protection againstultraviolet rays. Many peoplesay what is the differencebetween indexes zero to 5purty is. dec ero 5it is moderate. The burnit may take 60 minutes and youbeing in the sun forburn. But anywayhave to wear glasses and have yourblockersolar. if the index issix a is high and you burnjust being 25minutes in the sun. and it isfrom eight to tenneeds sun protection wingscontinually. replicate it and that’s itin the pool or on the beach andburn with 10 minutes of beingcaution during these walks.even though the level isfrom six to

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