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New York to extend moratorium on rental evictions until May 2021

New York, once the epicenter of the pandemic in the United States, will extend its moratorium on rental evictions until May 2021, its governor announced on Monday.

The text pauses deportation procedures already in progress for an additional 60 days and prohibits any further deportation until 1is May 2021.

“We want it to be simple, we don’t want people to be deported,” State Governor Andrew Cuomo said in a press conference.

The moratorium was due to expire at the end of the year. But the United States, the country most bereaved by COVID-19 in absolute terms, is still suffering from the ravages of the pandemic.

Many businesses had to lower the curtain again this fall, in the face of the multiplication of contaminations.

And millions of unemployed people, deprived of their jobs because of the pandemic, do not know when they will receive their next benefits, and therefore how to pay their rent.

The governor has not ruled out extending this moratorium even further if the health situation does not improve.

“We’ll see what happens in May, but we want to protect tenants,” said Andrew Cuomo.

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