Home » News » New York: The City That Never Sleeps is Slowly Sinking Due to Rising Sea Levels and Heavy Skyscrapers, Warn Researchers

New York: The City That Never Sleeps is Slowly Sinking Due to Rising Sea Levels and Heavy Skyscrapers, Warn Researchers

The city that never sleeps is slowly but surely sinking. Researchers are sounding the alarm and blaming two things for New York’s annual subsidence: the immensely heavy skyscrapers and the rising sea level worldwide.

One of the most popular metropolises in the world, New York, is doomed if the researchers at the American Geophysical Union (AGU) are to be believed. The “image” is a study by the AGU, which certifies a bleak future for the Big Apple.

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The megacity is sinking more and more every year

A total of 771 million tons of weight weigh on Manhattan. And that’s “just” the approximately one million buildings in New York itself. The researchers haven’t even counted streets, bridges and much more. In addition, there would be rising sea levels worldwide, eroding building foundations and increasing weather phenomena that threatened New York. A non-explosive, but still apocalyptic combination. The megacity with more than eight million inhabitants is expected to sink one to two millimeters per year. Which doesn’t sound like much – Manhattan is said to be sinking four times faster than less built-up areas.

As “T-Online” quotes the study, “it is predicted that post-glacial, isostatic effects will lead to subsidence of 500 to 1,500 millimeters by the year 2100,” the authors write in their paper about the consequences of the weight problems. “Much of Lower Manhattan is between one and two meters above sea level.” If no countermeasures are taken, the water could wash away the financial district around Wall Street in the course of the century, as the AGU study predicts.

2023-05-23 16:59:53

#Researchers #sounding #alarm #York #danger #sinking

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