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New York – the city of superlatives | GALA.de

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New York – the city of superlatives

New York

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Hardly any other city is better known than New York. There are countless things to discover in this city. Read here what to look out for

New York. The name alone is enough and there are numerous images that one associates with this metropolis. The many skyscrapers that make up Manhattan’s legendary skyline, the yellow taxis, Fifth Avenue with its shopping opportunities – we all somehow know New York, although many of us haven’t been there yet. But would you like to get a taste of the metropolitan air of New York at some point? Take a tour of the great Central Park or explore trendy districts like SoHo? Read here what New York has to offer and what you should do without with this huge offer.

New York – the city that never sleeps

No city has been celebrated as often as New York. More precisely, New York City in the US state of New York on the east coast of the United States. Frank Sinatraknew that he could only achieve his dreams there, Alicia Keysdescribes the numerous possibilities in this city and Udo Jürgens has never been there. This city must have some kind of magic, something that really touches you.
In fact, New York has something for everyone. For the sightseeing tourist, sights like the offer The Statue of Liberty, the Empire State Building or the One World Trade Center, which opened in 2014 ideal photo motifs.

The Sex And The City-Fan also gets his money’s worth and can follow in the footsteps of Carrie Bradshaw and Co. in Manhattan. The ten kilometers long Fifth Avenue offers countless shopping opportunities and many cafés for a short break in between.
There is a lot to discover in New York, especially in culinary terms. After all, the city is known for being the mother of food trends like the cronut. For nostalgics and movie fans, there are hot dog carts on almost every corner, where you can quickly get a hot dog with sauerkraut.

High celebrity density in the American metropolis

The nightlife in New York also has a legendary reputation. The stars come and go in Manhattan’s clubs. At Club 1OAK NYC, in the Meatpacking Disctrict, stars like Katy Perry, Rihanna and Jay-Z regularly go to party. But you should prepare well for a night of partying in the city that never sleeps. The parties usually don’t start before 11:30 p.m. and there are long queues in front of every club. Don’t forget your passport either, because without an ID, as New Yorkers call it, you won’t get into a club. Even if you’ve thought of all of that, but the bouncer thinks you’re not puffed up enough, you will be sent back home. Therefore, before a night of partying, it is better to insert a day of shopping.

In a city with so much flair, it is only logical that some celebrities have built their nests there as well. Robert de Nirofor example, who turned the streets of New York as a taxi driver in 1979, lives near Central Park. Also Denzel Washington, Sting or Ethan Hawke have made themselves comfortable in their luxury apartments.

Many possibilities, many dangers

In addition to the “classics”, neighborhoods that used to be avoided are like Brooklyn or Harlem always hip. But as a tourist you should still be careful and not stay there at night. New York City has a population of around 8.5 million and the crime rate is correspondingly high. Also, find out about the laws in the United States. For example, alcohol consumption is only legal from the age of 21 and drinking in public is still frowned upon. In order not to get yourself into unnecessary trouble, you should behave accordingly. In general, don’t let the glamor of the metropolis blind you too much and move through this city with pleasure but also carefully.


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