increases for Thursday withthat risk of rain.íctor: autumn recreation.adriana: local leadersprotest again againstproperty conservationavailable. negligence ofowners in the face of this crisis mustaffordable livingNew York.íctor: berenice garner losaccompanied in that protest and theWe invite you to prepare yourscell phones to talk aboutaffordable housing lotswhich are already available.berenice: serious allegationsthey did today in New York frompart of organizations thatrepresent the tenants eto several councilors. ensuresthat many landowners wereliterally hiding theapartments for notrent them, thus creating aworst housing crisis ofciudad.the tenants protestedlack of affordable housing.the saddest thing is that there isapartments where he livesThey have been uninhabited for years.>> are in pure brick.berenice: councilor riverasays there are 88,000apartments not rented inciudad.homemade to save themapartments, do not rent them>> they say they need a fundcity background for ownersthey don’t have enoughfunds to resolve them.berenice: the chancellor ofI ate housing says whatwhat the owners are looking for ispress them to change therules that prevent themwork with your apartmentscan state or cityan apartment?>> we are seeing how we canforce their apartments notremain empty, let me help themthose most in need.berenice: the city fights62,000 homeless families, plusthe 21,000 recent immigrantsarrive who needs whereto live.he showed a cloth from the chancellorthe apartments they will deliverto low-income families o>> it’s a hotel it wastransformed into homespermanent.we were able to capture thisopportunity in one of thericher and more expensive neighborhoodsin the nationberenice: si usted ésáneed one ofresidential apartmentconvenient, you can scan theQR code on the screen. wantfind the lottery list
New York Tenants Protest Outside City Hall Over Lack of Affordable Housing | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV
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