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New York Teachers Warn There May Be a Shortage of Educators Due to the Coronavirus Vaccination Mandate | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

We will tell you if this end offall week will needshirt cuts a long one.after a judge gave lightgreen to the just and legal mandate,this Monday therule that workersof public schools againyork must have at least onedose of the vaccine to be ableto work.are there enough substitutes forwho decide not to comply?mariela salgado found theanswer.mariela: marilyn gonález in herhome without your cardvaccination.this paper guarantees yoursupport.Monday is the deadline forteachers like her showthat at least they received thefirst dose of the vaccine orthey could lose their jobs.>> I think it is dangerous thatbe a mandate forteachers.especially now of the wholework that teachers comedoing during the pandemic.we have to be watching overboys, we have tomake sure the tablesthey are clean.we have more work.mariela: the mayor’s mandateis clear.>> or they will not be vaccinatedreplaced.mariela: outside of this schoolde washington heights nos dicenthat they cannot be overagreement>> I am bound a maple.Maesmariela’s union:you don’t see it there. they have comefighting without the contradictionmandate.they say there will be chaos for oneeducator shortage.>> the children will not be able to goto school because they don’t want toto teach.mariela: this is a beautiful dayfriday in washingtonheights.let’s see if Monday ispossible teacher shortage.but the mayor has reiteratedno, there are enoughteachers to replaceteachers who do not wantget vaccinated.this worries theorganization that watches over himstudent welfare.>> with this shortage of teacherswhat goes karma is what they areother valuable instructorsprograms to put them in thelounges.mariela: so it is formedwell the instructors whoteach teachers how to teachreading, especially inimmigrant students and whatthey are learning to read inshirt?>> exactly, create aempty.teachers have been vaccinated.10,000 have not received theirfirst dose.at 530 they were authoredexemptions for medical reasonsthe religious.to see the full answerfrom the mayor on this positionof the teachers union,scan the qr code you see in

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