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New York subway users were affected by floods caused by Ida | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

studies.thanks to my cameraman.Adriana: Thank you very much to thetwo for that great job.the rainstorrential they sneaked backlike waterfalls in stocksfrom the subway, to the point thatsystem collapsed. the mta worksin restoring the servicefrom one of the stationsaffected on 28th street andseventh avenue, ctor javierSolannos tell us the situationcurrent and what happened with theusers within the night.Factor: Adriana, very goodhealth for all. right here inthe 28th street station withseventh avenue, they feltthe consequences in thissubway station.at this moment it is operatingnormally, but thesituation was very different.until about two o’clockhours, the station remainedclosed and users of theservice had to use othersalternate means of transportation orwalking long distances.the video circulated and becameviral on social media.the images of the water coming outgushing down a channel of theplatform showed againthe problems they havesubway stations, oneconstruction of 100 wingswho are also facingstrong challenges. the situationwas repeated at the station of the57th Street and Broadway atwe were informing you last nightlive from the storm.despite the plancontingency announced by themta, most of the systemwas affected. the few lines inservice were presentingsevere delays.governor kathyhochula announced an investigationand said he did not understand whythe subway did not interruptservice, if I knew of theintensity of the storm.hundreds of passengers remainedstuck in stations.the president of the mta awaitsthat by the end of the day, theservice is standardized.for now, lines 1 to6 has partial service,same as others havefull subscription.this they said, about howThey resolved to reach thejob.I left at 5:00 in the morning ofqueens to get there, I’ll be slowthree hours.I took the bus, it’s train and a lotpeople on the train.it was very difficult to get thereaá.also I had to walk from the42 ta square until aá, verydiícil.the lord had to return toyesterday I startedcheck on the internet and thisthe pond was flooding,that was physical.there were boys waiting for thetrain.Factor: the best recommendationfor the services that yesDo you want to know how are thelines of the subway, which isconnect to the page that

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