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New York subway station flooded – US News

A strong stream of water poured into the underground station “28th Street”

Due to flooding, traffic on a number of metro lines was stopped. Photo: collage “Today”

IN THE USA cyclone “Ida”, which reached New York on Wednesday, August 1, flooded the subway and parts of the city. This was reported by the edition Insider Paper Thursday, September 2nd.

It is noted that a strong stream of water poured into the underground 28th Street subway station, located at the intersection of Broadway with 28th Street in the Flatiron Quarter in Manhattan. The entrance to the platform was immediately closed, and passengers were promptly evacuated from the train.

“I was driving and saw it! I did not understand where it was pouring from – from below, from above or from the wall. Water was pouring on the way and already covered the rails.”, – told Brian the machinist.

According to him, more than 100 people were immediately evacuated from the train due to flooding. Nobody was hurt as a result of the incident.

Due to flooding, traffic on a number of metro lines was stopped.

A catastrophic flash flood warning has been announced in New York. It rains heavily in the city, water from the gutters rushes back to the surface. Also flooded Newark Airport, which is located 24 kilometers southwest of New York’s Midtown area.

What is known about Hurricane Ida

  • On Sunday, August 29, Hurricane Ida reached Louisiana. It has the fourth hazard class out of five and poses a significant threat – the wind speed reaches 240 kilometers per hour.
  • In Louisiana, Hurricane Ida left more than 600,000 people without electricity. 619 392 consumers remain without power supply. This is one of the most important signs of a natural disaster risk assessment.
  • Before US President Biden warned citizens about the destructive power of hurricane Ida and said that the country will make every effort to eliminate its impending consequences.
  • In addition to strong winds, the hurricane is dangerous due to heavy rainfall and a significant rise in the water level – it will rise by several meters. The President promised to do everything possible to eliminate the consequences of the hurricane and said that he had never met such a large-scale preparation for a natural disaster.

Earlier news “Today” reported that due to hurricane “Ida” in the vicinity of New Orleans, North America’s largest river, the Mississippi, flowed into reverse direction at a speed of about 1.5 m / s. The last time this happened was during Hurricane Katrina 16 years ago.

We also informed that the first victim was recorded. hurricane “Ida” in the United States. One person died when a strong wind knocked down a tree in Louisiana.


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