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New York students will return to school “all in person” in September ⋆. – Marseille News

The entrance to Public School 159 in Queens, New York on July 8, 2020.
(Shannon Stapleton / .)

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio announced Monday that all public school students in the city will return for an in-person apprenticeship in September.

New York City’s public schools – 1 million kids – will be back in their classrooms in September, all in person, without a remote,” de Blasio said during an appearance on Morning Joe on NBC Monday. “This is the news that I think parents, kids, everyone was waiting for: to know that we’re going to be back strong, ready, [and] sure.”

Like other districts across the country, schools in New York had implemented widespread closures over fears of the spread of the coronavirus among students and teachers. Major cities across the country have refused to resume full-time in-person teaching this year, even after data from other countries – and states like Florida, where schools have been open full-time since. fall – have shown that the risk of COVID transmission in schools is negligible.

Resistance to the full reopening was primarily driven by teacher unions, notably in Chicago, Los Angeles and San Francisco. The American Federation of Teachers, one of the largest teachers’ unions in the country, is believed to have influenced the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s school reopening guidelines.

New York’s public school district is the largest in the United States with more than 1.1 million students, and about one in ten students is considered homeless. The New York Department of Education has distributed iPads with cellular data to thousands of homeless students in an effort to facilitate distance learning.

The planned reopening of New York’s public schools for the new school year comes after 60% of the city’s residents aged 16 or older received at least one dose of the coronavirus vaccine, significantly dampening the spread of the disease.

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Zachary Evans is a news editor for National Review Online. He is a veteran of the Israel Defense Forces and a violist by training.

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