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New York Students and Teachers Comment on Coronavirus Vaccination | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

receives from alleged authoritiesstate.a cold front what tomorrowthere is a classic change thetemperatures.Welcome!in ólo two ías employees ofschools must befully vaccinated.salgado had first-rate accesshand to a school in the bronxand that’s what he found.mariela: they changed roomswhen they received them with greatpasón.>> is something that shocked us.mariela: we were guaranteed thatin that class everyone wasvaccinated.>> we are almost 100% withvaccinated staff.mariela: with that statement wewe headed towards the saon.one thing that hasn’t changed isthat they have followed hereprotocols to the letter,all with their mask.it is not easy to maintaindistance the corridors.>> we are strong.mariela: they were in the circlefrom the venting of their emotions,like their flags there areall countries.>> covid19 can causehe dies.>> I can do my job well,I have security while I domy job.mariela: after thepanel of judges would give him theto the city, 92% ofteachers have been vaccinated.>> my grandparents are old andI must get vaccinated to protect them.mariela: is what they got,live your adolescence in apandemic.>> during quarantine nowe had a lot of communication.

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