Home » today » News » New York strengthens its security in the face of possible protests over the verdict in the trial for the death of George Floyd | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

New York strengthens its security in the face of possible protests over the verdict in the trial for the death of George Floyd | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

parking meters and in 15 minutesI bring to the omo informationis the time the end ofweek and the traffic in “alwake up”.elian: new york cityis reinforcing the measures ofsecurity against possibleprotests over the verdict oftrial for floyd’s death,el minápolis, minnesota. thedeath caused massivemobilizations on thepolice brutality in variousit’s just outside the headquartersof the uniformed and has thedetails.Ricardo: Greetings, good morning.in a case of significance towhich marks a large part of thecontemporary history ofcivil rights, the mayorpolice commissioner,they are in consensusand they announced that the cops wereis preparing before possibleverdict, result ofjudicial process against whomis accused of murder andmanslaughter by thearrested on suspicion ofpresent a counterfeit banknote$ 20 in a businessneighborhood to the cops. onthe transmission of judgmentwaived his right totestify at the trial thatcarries against him.anticipating the possible series ofprotests or the decision that iswas scheduled fornext Monday, the commissionerpointed out that the police againYork is in conversationdaily with officials onminápolis and what do they expectpossibility of protests herein reference to the city ofNew York also stated thattogether security isworking with organizationsgrassroots elected officials andwith zeros to make surethat the demonstrations arepeaceful and without violence. forhis part the mayor billblasio indicated that the approachused will be to emphasizein our officers and affairscommunity and especially inmayor is doingreference and is alluding tothe lessons learned frompast protests the wayAnd the way the cop’snew york was facingthe situation, what hasprovoked accusationspublic, critical andlast months theseries of changes, withinThis series of changes is thedemand of the attorney generalof the state of new york, whereprecisely qualified: “of aexcessive force paton,brutal and illegal against

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