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New York State Passes Package of Laws to Protect Employees from Workplace Harassment | Videos | Univision 41 New York WXTV

in cash, the victimswere hospitalized, if you knowanything please call 1888 57track confidentiallyespañol.Governor Kathy Hochulsigns package of laws foraddress the issue of bullying anddiscrimination in the place ofjob. damaris íaz esáfrom the office ofpeople wait in whatThese packages consistlegislation and how they would protectto the employees.Damaris: Good morning.zero tolerance for bullyingsexual and discrimination inthe workplace and that’s theGovernor Kathy’s messagehochul For New Yorkers,signed three laws, the firstspecifically establishes afree direct line andconfidential to makecomplaint of sexual harassmentconnect to the victims,lawyers who work pro bono,will take your case free of chargepenny and they can give you thatalso advised on thecase details.extensive regulations againstbullying new york protectboth the employees in theprivate sector as in thepublic sector, whatever thejob you have, whetherschool, hospital, shop,office, everyone beThe third law states thatdisclosure of a filepersonnel to discredit thereto a victim of discrimination inthe workplace counts asa retaliatory action underhuman rights law.and since the discriminationcan take many forms anddone doesn’t have to beintentional to be wrongand be illegal, we want to give themexamples of discriminationwork place.if your boss assigns everyoneHispanics 1 to specificwork, this isdiscrimination.I know the women I knowpaying less than a mando the same job, thisit is also discrimination.makes fun of you and if you see that onlyare promoting certainemployees because of their race ordiscrimination.

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