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New York State now allows human composting

Human composting makes it possible to be green even in the afterlife. As the name suggests, this process involves turning one’s body into compost after death rather than locking it in a box or burning it. And as proof that it has the wind in its sails, the State of New York (United States) has just legalized it.

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Thanks to its Democratic governor Kathy Hochul, New York thus becomes the sixth US state to legalize the human compostingaccurate Le Figaro.

Promoting the decomposition of the human body to produce compost is not a very complicated technique. Just store it with plant material (wood chips, straw, alfalfa) bring everything to the ideal temperature and then let the bacteria act. Basically, the process is the same as the composting plant waste in your garden.

It only takes a good hundred days to turn a body into compost. At the end of this process, the family of the deceased can even recover the material deriving from this process to plant a tree, a flower bed or even some vegetables. Thus, death promotes life. A symbol that seduces more and more people.

In France, human composting, also called humusation, remains prohibited.

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