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New York State not ready for the worst of the pandemic, says Andrew Cuomo

New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo said citizens have 7 days to prepare before the pandemic hits its peak.

During a daily press briefing on Saturday, he stressed that the state is not ready to face this possible severe pandemic.

He said New York, like many other states in the country, is severely short of medical equipment, including masks and respirators.


After many evasive comments since the start of the COVID-19 crisis, US President Donald Trump has acknowledged that the next two weeks will be very trying in the United States.

Although he played down the impacts of the pandemic, he said the days ahead would be crucial.

Over 300,000 cases

The United States has passed the mark of 312,000 identified cases of the new coronavirus, according to the count of the American University Johns Hopkins.

The pandemic has killed more than 8,500 people in the country.

The COVID-19 pandemic has killed more than 46,000 people in Europe, including nearly 85% in Italy, Spain, France and the United Kingdom.

Italy and Spain are the countries in the world with the most deaths.

Globally, we are talking about one million 213,000 cases, including more than 65,000 deaths.

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