Home » today » News » New York State Electoral Redistricting Maps: Democrats and Republicans in Tug of War Over Voting District Boundaries

New York State Electoral Redistricting Maps: Democrats and Republicans in Tug of War Over Voting District Boundaries

The redistribution of new electoral maps in New York state, which will define new voting district boundaries, has become a tug of war not only between Democrats and Republicans but also between co-partisans. And after the state Legislature rejected the most recent proposal drawn up by the State Independent Redistricting Commissionnew sketches arrived at legislative chambers and it is hoped that there will be a consensus soon.

This was stated by the president of the Assembly, Democratic leader Carl Heastiewho assured on Tuesday that the matter will be resolved soon and that they are trying to speed up the process.

On the Republican side, Assembly Minority Leader Will Barclay revealed that there could be votes from co-partisans supporting the new map.

“It’s ours republican delegation in Congress the one that is generally happy with this, so I think there will be some votes in favor,” said the politician.

The new map of redistrictinghas been rated moderate on the new lines and although some swing districts would become more Democratic, the partisan makeup of 24 of the state’s 26 districts would not undergo dramatic changes.

After the initial rejection of the maps, community leaders such as Zakiyah Shaakir-Ansari, co-executive director of the Alliance for Quality Education, who assured that the initial proposal was harmful, because it divided communities.

“We thank the New York State Legislature for yesterday rejecting the maps proposed for Congress by the Independent Redistricting Commissions. When Black and Brown communities are divided and isolated across multiple congressional districts, their collective power is diluted and they are denied the right to vote in political representation that will carry the best agenda for their communities, from fully funded, high-quality public schools. to affordable housing,” assured Shaakir-Ansari.

“Since the founding of our country, redistricting and gerrymandering have been used, and continue to be used to this day, to disenfranchise voters. “New York can and must end this practice with the next set of maps, which must reconnect Black and Latinx communities and better reflect the principles of equity and justice,” he added.

Some of the changes that will be voted on include the extension of District 3 of the representative Tom Suozzi to Suffolk County and would move Co-Op City to Representative’s 16th District Jamaal Bowman.

Another considerable change, if the proposed sketches are approved, has to do with District 22, moved by the city of Syracuse and represented by Republican Brandon Williams, as it seeks to include all Onondaga and Madison counties, southern Oneida County , southern Cayuga County and northern Cortland County.

And as far as the 18th district is concerned, which has Democrat Pat Ryan as its representative, it would lose Ulster County territory to the 19th district dominated by Republican Marc Molinaro.

At press time, a decision on the final electoral map had not yet been made.

2024-02-28 22:17:47
#Expectation #future #redistribution #electoral #maps #York #Diario

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