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New York Seeks to Make Access to Coronavirus Vaccine More Inclusive | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

they will attend until night.hope: both the language andfear of immigration statusso are some of the barriersfacing the communityimmigrant when vaccinated. honeytells us about some of thenew status improvementsyork to access thevaccines to inclusive.reporter: the vaccine is everyonce at your fingertips, thenof insistent claims thenew york city made easythe registration process foreligible people, we verifythat effectively the systemto make appointments was translated,but we found that whenyou are looking to schedule an appointmentrefer a second page ofprovider that does not always havethe available translation.news a big mink or notconnected to a forum whereaddressed the problem ofinequality.How do you try to bring theimmigrant community to the processof vaccination?we are doing some forumsin various communities, sothat if there is an organization orcommunity with questions wecan communicate to ouroffice and we work with himHealth Department.reporter: in addition to deletingthe language barrierverify confidentiality,since this probes to thecommunity seeking serviceshealth, although alwayswe find the arrangement inour inquiries.congratulations, because in thisthere are people we don’t knowingés.exhorted people togo, free.reporter: if you don’t haveofficial identification, aletter from your employer, landlord orcommunication from another personthat works as proof ofaddress if eligible.for the complete list

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