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New York Seeks to Change Current Law on Legal Alcohol Limits for Drivers | Your Political City New York

universe university hospitalscarce is investigated by theunit and special measuresand the relocation departmentjuvenile.hope: drunk drivingtakes lives. according to figures oftraffic roads.in the United States, about 28people die daily tocause of a driver in stateof drunkenness.52 minutes.it can also mean serioustrouble with the law.in 2018, new york searrests.this number could increase ifthe legal limit is modifiedthe company that focuses to beapproved before the end of thelegislative session of 10June, limit reduction ofalcohol content from 0.08 to0.05.to understand whyconsiders it necessary to change thelaw, we wanted to consult with aon the effects ofalcohol in the body.I consulted with him earlierinternist.this is what he told us.doctor, what do you think of this lawand how alcohol damages ourdoctorangel: it is a good law,many people have no ideaof the effect that thealcohol, don’t think that’s itchanged.reducing the level ofconcentration of alcohol, in myopinion is a good idea forpeople, levels morelow, even if one thinks notesa intoxicado, esáintoxicated and must not be well.other people when they collide,run over or other people.hope: doctor, there are manymyths of people who drink andThey say, how am I going to go, I’m going totake fell, water to reducethe alcohol.the alcohol is already in theabsorbed by the person, theI fell does not correct the effectneuroogical of alcohol.especially if someone haseaten, decrease the time.not necessarily the amountof alcohol that one is going toabsorber.what decreases is to evacuate thethen you take longerin absorbing alcohol and ispart of the problem, that theperson does not feel intoxicateduntil two or three have passedminutes in the car.suddenly they start to feeldizzy, have trouble withjudgment and reflexes.that’s why it is so dangerous to takeand drink, think that one isgood and not really good.because it is typically worse.takes time to absorb and

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