monitor our intomas.announcer: scan the code thatappears on the screen and you will geta list of places whereyou can get vaccinated.hope: ctor javier solanohe asked the secretary ofremote education.Factor: Secretary, thank you foraccompany us. Whatmodifications raises thearrival of the omicón variant?>> we must be careful, butNo fear. we know that withstrategies to protectstudents and teachers we canwe know that children learnbetter in the saon and they needbe with your friends andteachers to learn better.Factor: the hybrid system?>> we always have the optionwe did in March 2020. yeswe use the strategies, likethe masks, if the childrenthey are sick that they stay inhome.factor: do you think the recentcourt decisions helpreduce infections?they close their wings frequently,We also see that in the areaswhere there is not so much vaccinationwe must learn from this.many say they do not get sickso much, but they can give the virusto someone from the community, whoit may end up in the hospital ordead.factor: precisely speaking withchildren ages 5 and 11, do youyou are satisfied with theimmunization in this sector ofthe town?>> we must always followmoving forward, but we must continuecommunicating with parentsthat they still have a bit offear, that’s why we work verystrong with the doctors and inthe schools. there’s a lotschools in the country, even innew york what do you havedifferent cynics forparents, they can go thereask any questions they have.