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New York Restaurant Employees Celebrate Allowable Capacity Expansion | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

little further on in mehope: every day that passes,our area seems to go in thecorrect direction. todaywe received excellent newsin upstate new york.the index of positive casesit fell to one, 22%.the lowest since 22October. said index has beendecreasing without stopping32 consecutive days. is bythis and for the vaccinationmassive that the limit was increasedcapacity of restaurants.although the six feet ofdistancing muststay until May 19when will almost all riseThe restrictions. it’s goodnews comes the weekend.business reactions.we are finally opening theneed.isabel: the manager of thisthe restaurant is enthusiasticby the expansion that increased its75% capacity.How do you tell us news?Univision 41, Eastadministrator and owner of arestaurant in manhattan.I have hired sixpeople wings. there we areopening the possibility ofsuper happy, excited aboutthat comes more personal. thebusiness is raising every daywings.isabel: this increase has beenpossible because the rateof coronavirus positivitystatewide continuesdecreasing and more peoplecoronavirus vaccine ..that’s very good news.I knew I was seeing soon, but noI knew it was today. Meansthat more people can come totake out his mother.also to the money forwe waiters.isabel: we moved tothe bronx and there we found out thefeel of others.happy for this decision.we are thinking of starting fromisabel: it should be noted that adespite the openings,regulations are stillcurrent. health expertsthey fear that thewhen we are in therestaurants, we must maintainthe distancing from the otherspeople, cooks, waiters.sick or have intomassuggestive of diseaselike cough, fever, they woke upvery tired, please don’tgo to work.isabel: the manager took advantageour love for sending you amessage to our community.Dr. Peña recommends thatif you have plans to go toa restaurant and feelsick, do not go and stayat home in quarantine. whenvisit one, go toventilation. if it’s not

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