those undocumented that ihas a number.ayén: a lot of attention because II help you with this information.there it is, there are still manyeconomic problems in the casefrom new york tomorrow tuesday seopen a program to applyhelp. there are several immigrants.peggy carranza from the greatapple we have requirementsto apply this planassistance.peggy: good afternoon, there it is,this is excellent newsfor 200,000 families at riskof eviction that have beenaffected by the pandemiccould qualify to receivethis rent help.from tomorrow so muchtenants, regardless of theirimmigration status, cansubmit your application forthis help on a web pagenew York.among the requirements is to havea salary less than 80% ofpeople must have aidentification document thatit can be a license ofdrive or passport orsimply a certificate ofbirth. also mustpresent an insurance numberif a person has thissocial security number, shouldinclude it in your request. thefund has more than$ 2,000,000,000 plusapplications are processed infirst come first serve soactivists recommend thatsubmit your request as soon as possiblepossible because I knowdistributed these funds untilthat are available. for anotheraside the people who performcash payments or pay yourcash rent must befile a declarationsworn verifying these payments.