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New York reopens

For his part, the governor of the state of New York, Andrew Cuomo, ratified the reopening of the city in the daily press conference offered to the media and also did so through his official Twitter account: “Tomorrow (Monday) is a new day. New York reopens. #NewYorkTough


In this way, the Big Apple joins other regions of the state that have already begun to gradually come out of quarantine in recent days and as of tomorrow some 400,000 workers will return to their jobs amid severe precautionary measures.

In this In the first stage, industry, construction, agriculture, fishing and non-essential commerce will resume their activities, although in the latter case customers will only be able to attend to withdraw purchases already ordered, without remaining on the premises.

The authorities estimated that this week some 16,000 businesses in various fields, some 3,700 manufacturing companies and more than 32,000 construction sites will reopen, according to the news agency EFE.

In addition, the city’s public transport network will return to 90% capacity.

All these activities will be carried out in the context of a strict control of the health of workers and the obligation to wear masks and maintain social distancing for all people.

In the meantime, Restaurants, bars, theaters and offices, as well as schools will remain closed, although in this case the classes have already entered the summer recess.

The opening will begin 100 days after the first case of coronavirus was confirmed in the city, which quickly became the epicenter of the pandemic within the United States, in turn, the country with the highest number of infections and deaths from the disease around the world.

Cuomo said that the trend remains positive throughout the state, where hospitalizations and deaths of patients with Covid-19 fell to the minimum since the start of the pandemic.

The governor clarified that for now it was not clear the magnitude of the eventual impact on the pandemic of protests against racism and police violence in recent days, but reiterated that the issue is of great concern to health authorities.

The United States today accounted for 1.93 million confirmed cases of coronavirus and 110,047 deaths from the disease, of which 30,324 were concentrated in New York state, according to Johns Hopkins University.

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