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New York registers drastic increase in infections with coronavirus | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

is coming for certainportions of our area.jonathan: la varianteómicronIt is the dominant one on the foot.the first one has been registereddeath with the contagiousthe genesis percent ofwith last week and 92%in new york and new jersey.the situation is for being sodelicate, when she was sodelicate months ago.damaris shows us thesituation in new york and newjersey.damaris: covid rates inour area has explodedsince I got a comic.in the last of fourhours, new york clocked thetriple additional cases and newjersey, 6505 infections. thehospitalizations forcoronaviruses are alsoascending. it is expected that therate of infections isthey step up at parties.is asking that new yorkdo something to ease thesituation.so far people waitingin front of the cynics forget tested.How many hours have you been here?>> about three hours.damaris: and what have you done toexpect?damaris: you feel a littlesick or is it to travel?>> I feel a little sick.>> now there are many children whothey are positive.damaris: what do you ask thehealth department andofficers of the big apple?>> let them come down to the wingsfast.>> four hours and it’s a lotweather.damaris: they came to be thetry because they feel bad?>> to be sure whywe are afraid.they were talking about that newvariant.damaris: while those whothey receive a proposition they shouldconfined duringfestivities, the rest of thetown we will have to takeadditional measures forprotect ourselves from variantsdelta yomicron.we are the network.>> yes we canorganize virtual meetingswith our relatives,of legal age and persons ofhigh risk, let’s try not to goto activities.let’s try not to be inmultitudes.if we are in our home,let’s try to have onegood ventilation.damaris: doctor, we haveplanned to attend a party,warm is the best time todo us the quick test?>> one day before or the same daydamaris: we are heremeeting with friends andrelatives during the nextdays, the experts remind usthe importance of taking theprecautions to avoidcontagions.

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