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New York Public Schools to Return to Face-to-Face Classes This Fall

Por Karen Matthews – The Associated Press

All New York City public schools will teach face-to-face classes starting in the fall, Mayor Bill de Blasio announced Monday.

“We cannot have a full recovery no schools at full capacity, with everyone back, sitting in the classrooms, the children learning again, “de Blasio said on MSNBC.

The million students who attend the city’s public schools they will be in their classrooms with some protocols prevention against COVID-19 that have been implemented in the current academic year, including the use of masks and undergoing periodic tests for COVID-19, said de Blasio.

“It’s about time. It’s really time to go back to school fully,” he said.

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Following the closure of schools in March 2020, New York was one of the first large cities in the country to reopen educational institutions in autumn last year, but most mothers and fathers chose to keep their children learning at a distance.

Children and staff who have been in classrooms face-to-face have been randomly tested for COVID-19, and the city has reported very low rates of transmission of the virus in schools.


When asking the mayor how local officials will manage the fear of parents who have so far opted for online-only learning for their children, de Blasio replied: “A lot of information, a lot of communication“.

He said parents will be invited to visit their children’s schools starting in June to “adjust” to the idea of ​​going back to face-to-face classes: “Anyone with a question or concern, come to your child’s school. See what’s going on, get the answers. “

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De Blasio said city schools will be able to accommodate all students under current guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which consider a social distancing of three feet from distance, but said that the rule can be relaxed before the city’s public schools open on September 13.

I think the CDC will change those rules quite a bit. Between now and September, “De Blasio said,” but now in New York City, we could have every child three feet apart, we could make that work if we had to. “

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