when the rain comes and untilwhen he will be with us.Patricia: Thank you very much,children received about 400,000free healthy mealsdaily during thissummer, it’s the meal planfrom the department of educationof the state and to helpa place nearby, Isabelperalta healing test dewashington heights nos cuentathe details.Isabel: very good days, youI count that the department ofyork started with this programfood service andcorresponding for thissummer 2020 2021 and whatoffering some or 20,000,000 infree and nutritious mealstargeting 400,000 children inthe state and distributed in3000 different sites againyork. this project guaranteesthat the children are lowincome and who are 18 years old orschools are not in session orthey are simply closed.for you to find one ofthese locations that offerto the line map of theagriculture department ofthe united states, tooyou can send a text with theword food at 877 877, you cancall the national line ofhungry to 18663 hungry, you cancall 211 in the statefrom new york already 311 in theeven though this season ofsummer is a time thatgeneral is for childrenhave fun, not thischildren, adolescents and familiesin new york facing ofood and that depend onpublic schools foreat and what else nowface difficulty due to