Home » today » News » New York Public Pools Will Have Longer Hours To Protect The Community From Intense Heat | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

New York Public Pools Will Have Longer Hours To Protect The Community From Intense Heat | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

the weekend at only 15minutes.elian: importantrecommendations.and look, precisely, forto cool off in the middle ofthese extremely high temperatures,the pools of the greatapple are spreading theirsummer hours andmayoralty makes alerts so thatstay hydrated andprotected. for the detailsabout this changeon schedule, let’s go to washingtonwith isabel peralta gil that’s itsinceat the pool.very good days. tell us.isabel: very good days, elian.there it is, thepool hours in thenew york city yabe it the Olympics or theintermediate by a face noticesilk and byhealth and city parks. Yis that the authorities say thatduring this heat wavethey want New Yorkers to bekeep safe and for thatreason is expanding thepool hours foroffer wingsopportunities for you to becool. they can addsectionsadditional to accommodate theas much as possible ofattendants or bathers. at oncewhat’s upurging theresources ofnew york city forfightthis extreme heatin the next few yearsfrom the shade of the treesuntilthe showers, the pools andbeaches. the schedulesextended arefrom 11:00 in the morningfrom 4:00 in the afternoonuntil 8:00 at night.the beaches during the end ofweek will be from 10from the morning to the headquarterslate.and is that if you can notvisit one of the49 free and open swimming poolsof the city parks,you and your family alikethey have the option of cooling offin one of eightarea beaches. can alsouseone of more than 600showers. as part of this planemergency to combatintense heat, they haveopen centerscooling the five boroughsand each one nowwill countwith at least onesite so you can lead toyour pet.for center informationfrom a fragment near you,

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